مستعد لتجربة نظافة غير طبيعية
هالمكنسة بتغير مفهومك تماما!
قوة شفط جبارة: تهتز 8000 مرة بالدقيقة تنظف لك كل ذرة غبار وأوساخ!
فلتر : يحبس 99.97% من الجسيمات الدقيقة ويطلق هواء نقيا.
خزان غبار سهل التنظيف: اغسله تحت الماء لنظافة مستدامة!
ثلاث مستويات تنظيف: شفط عالي التردد شفط قوي تعقيم بالضوء البنفسجي.
مستشعر أمان ذكي: يطفئ ويشغل الضوء البنفسجي تلقائيا لضمان الأمان.
- الملحقات : ثلاث فلاتر و ٢ هوز تنظيف
متعددة وكيبل الشحن
استعد للتخلص من الغبار والجراثيم مع هالمكنسة
Strong Suction - Mattress Vacuum
with pulsation pad vibrates about 8000 times per minute to agitate the dust and
dirt on the loose mattress with high frequency vibration. Bed Vacuum Cleaner
brings dirt to the fabric surface, flapping function combined with strong suction
function, instantly cleaner hidden dirt and effectively clean the deep layers
of the mattress.
• High Efficiency Filtration -
Mattress vacuum cleaner HEPA filter deeply purifies, captures 99.97% of
particles as small as 0.3 microns, and releases fresh air. Isolate large
particles of garbage, firmly lock dust and dirt, and will not leak.
High-performance motor effectively wraps noise
• Dust Box Cleaning - Mattress
cleaner machine snap-on dust box, easy to clean, can be cleaned directly under
the faucet, regular cleaning without the hassle of weakened suction or clogged
dust. Note: The filter needs to be used after drying.
• Multifunction - Bed vacuum cleaner
adopts the three-in-one function of high-frequency flapping, strong suction,
and purple light penetration. Combined with professional research to customize
the U-shaped strong violet light tube, the irradiation intensity is greatly
improved, making cleaning more convenient and thorough
• Safety sensor - The safety sensor
automatically turns off the light when your vacuum is moved away from the
surface.When your vacuum cleaner is put back on the surface again, the UV light
will automatically turn on.