Erickson بأسلوب إيتالا ريكاردي ريبامونتي لصعوبات التعلم مخصصة لتطوير الانتباه
والفهم وتنمية الذاكرة وتوجيه التعبير اللغوي لدى الطفل. وهي مصممة لتخطي صعوبات
التعليم ودعم المناهج المدرسية ومساعدة المعالجين اللغويين في النطق، وعلماء
النفس التربويين والمهتمين بالنمو الذهني والفكري عند الطفل. كما وأنها تساعد
الأهل على مرافقة تطور أطفالهم الذهني في مراحل التعليم الأولى. ______________________________ "Erickson's Itala Riccardi Ripamonti series for learning difficulties is dedicated to developing attention and understanding, developing memory, and directing the child's linguistic expression. It is designed to overcome learning difficulties, support school curricula, and assist speech-language therapists, educational psychologists, and those interested in the child's mental and intellectual development. It also helps parents to Accompanying their children’s mental development in the early stages of education. This product is designed to develop children's logical, sorting and classification skills. It consists of two sets, each set consisting of 45 cards specially prepared for playing various games related to shapes (square - triangle - circle), with the aim of obtaining the following necessary skills: Finding the full specific logic of the concept of similarity and difference (by observing shape, color and space). The ability to arrange and classify. Ability to organize and understand various charts. Understand and use language vocabulary correctly. Classification of proposals related to different educational difficulties. Activating executive functions. Motivating the child in the learning process and updating his memory. The kit contains an introductory guide for use in Arabic (it includes a QR Code to download the guide in English). |