المعلمة «سناء» ذات يوم من تلاميذها في الصف أن يختار كل واحد منهم فردا من أفراد أسرته، ويكتب عنه موضوعا تعبيريا يتناول فيه أهم صفاته، ويسرد أخباره والمواقف التي لا تنسى، فاختار نطاط أن يكتب عن والدته، فسأل والده أسئلة عنها، وطلب منه أن يحدثه عن كيفية تعارفه بها، وعن الصفات التي يحبها فيها وتعكس ملامح شخصيتها، ثم أخذ يتذكر أهم المواقف والأحداث المميزة التي جمعته بأمه في أوقات الفرح والحزن على حد سواء، وكلها مواقف تبين بوضوح «قلب الأم الطيب»، فهيا نتابع ونر.
One day, the teacher, “Sanaa,” asked her students in the class to choose each one of their family members and write an expressive topic about him in which he dealt with his most important characteristics, and recounted his news and unforgettable situations. So Natat chose to write about his mother, so he asked his father questions about her, and asked him to To tell him about how he got to know her, and about the qualities that he loves about her and that reflect the features of her personality, then he began to remember the most important situations and special events that brought him together with his mother in times of joy and sadness alike, all of which clearly show “the mother’s good heart,” so let us follow and see.