"هَلْ سَبَقَ لَكَ أَنْ قَطَعْتَ شَجَرَةً؟
لَقَدْ قَطَعَ الـمُزَارِعُونَ العَدِيدَ مِنَ الأَشْجَارِ
كَيْ يَزِيدُوا مِنْ مَسَاحَةِ حُقُولِهِمْ
فَتَسَبَّبُوا فِي ضَرَرٍ كَبِيرٍ لِلطَّبِيعَةِ الجَمِيلَةِ
وَفِي الرَّبِيعِ لَمْ تَأْتِ الغُيُومُ وَلَمْ يَهْطِلِ المَطَرُ.
فَقَرَّرَ المُزَارِعُ الصَّغِيرُ مَعْرِفَةَ السَّبَبِ.
هَلْ تَرْغَبُ فِي الذَّهَابِ مَعَ الـمُزَارِعِ الصَّغِيرِ
فِي رِحْلَةٍ لِمَعْرِفَةِ سَبَبِ عَدَمِ هُطُولِ الـمَطَرِ؟
لَقَدْ قَابَلَ الـمُزَارِعُ فِي رِحْلَتِهِ:
الحَكِيمَ العَجُوزَ، وَشَجَرَةَ الجُمَّيْزِ الكَبِيرَةَ
وَسَأَلَ الرِّيَاحَ وَالأَشْجَارَ، وَتَحَدَّثَ
إِلَى سَحَابَةِ الـمَطَرِ.
تَعَالَ وَانْضَمَّ إِلَيْهِ"
"“Have you ever cut down a tree?
Farmers have cut down many trees.
In order to increase the area of their fields
They caused great damage to the beautiful nature.
In the spring, the clouds did not come and the rain did not fall.
So the young farmer decided to find out why.
Would you like to go with the little farmer?
On a trip to find out why there is no rain?
He met the farmer on his journey:
The old sage and the big sycamore tree
He asked the winds and the trees, and spoke
To the rain cloud.
""Come and join him."""